This Tutorial was written by (me), on Nov. 22, 2009.
Any resemblance to another tut is purely coincidence. This tut was done in Psp 9.
But any version of Paint Shop Pro will work. You also need a good knowledge working
With masks.
You will also need the VDL Adrenaline plugin for the snowflakes.
Animation is also (Optional).
I am using the PTU "Berry X-Mas" Scrap kit from Sue of WackyWinnie Designz.
Thank You Sue for allowing me to use your kit in my Tutorial.
Wsl_Masks 81 and 64. Here Tube of Choice, Font of choice.
I am using the awesome artwork of ©Ismael Rac. You will need to purchase a license
to use his tubes. You may find his tubes. Here"
Open a new 600x600 blank canvas and floodfill with white.
Open paper WWDpaper4. Copy and paste it onto your canvas. Open your Wsl_Mask 84.
Go to layers, new mask layer from image, you will see your mask listed in the source window.
Source luminance checked, invert unchecked. click ok. Go to layers, load/save mask
To alpha channel, click save. Now on your paper layer, go to layers, load/save mask,
From alpha channel, click on load. Right-click on the layer palette and merge group on
The mask layer. Duplicate this mask layer and on the original mask layer,
Go to adjust, blur, gaussian blur of 25%. click ok. Hide the white background, and
Merge the two mask layers visible. Unhide the white background. Pull mask out to fit canvas.
Open WWDpaper 1 and repeat the same steps above for the Wsl_Mask 61.
Do not pull this mask out to fit canvas. Duplicate the Wsl_Mask61 and on the original
Layer, adjust, blur, gaussian blur of 25%, click ok. Hide all layers except for the two
Wsl_Mask 61 and merge them visible. Unhide all other layers. Lower the opacity on
This mask layer to 45-48. Hide all layers except for the two merged mask layers and merge these visible. Unhide the white background.
Now open one of the frames from the kit. Copy and paste it on top of the masks layers.
Resize a little. You do not want it to cover the frame. With magic wand tool, click inside
The frame, selections modify, expand by 8, Copy and paste WWDpaper 9.
Selections invert, hit delete, select none. move the paper below the frame layer.
With magic wand tool, click inside the frame again, selections modify, expand by 8.
Copy and paste your tube, position her inside the frame. Add a drop shadow to tube.
Now if you want you can also have her looking like she is coming out of the frame. This
Is your choice. I chose to position her inside the frame.
Open the WWD Tree 1. Copy and paste it on top of all layers, resize to your liking.
Position the tree on the bottom right side of canvas, add a drop shadow.
Open the WWD Boxes 1, 2, and 3. Resize to your liking and place one of them to the bottom
Right side near the tree. Add a drop shadow. Place the other two boxes on the bottom left side. add drop shadows.
Open WWDpflower 1, Copy and paste it behind the tree, Resize, Add a drop shadow.
Open the WWDOflower2, Copy and paste it on top of the flower we just did, slightly moving it towards the right. Add a drop shadow.
Open the WWDSnowman 1 and 2, Resize, Copy and paste onto the canvas. Position them to
The bottom right side and place in front of the tree. Add drop shadows. Sharpen.
Open WWDCandle2, Copy and paste it onto the canvas, Resize, position it to the
Bottom left side of canvas, Add a drop shadow, sharpen.
Open the WWDBall 1, 2, and 3. Resize small. Copy and paste them onto canvas.
Position them to the top right side of canvas. See my tag as a reference. Add drop shadows.
Open the WWDBBall 1 and 2, Resize small, Copy and paste them on the bottom middle of your tag. Add drop shadows. sharpen.
Open the WWDDecoration 1, Resize, Copy and paste it to the top right side.
Add a drop shadow, sharpen.
Open your tube again, image/mirror. Copy and paste the tube on top of all layers.
Position her to the left side of canvas. Add a drop shadow to the tube.
Add your name and your watermark. Add artist copyright info.
On your merged mask layer, providing you have the VDL Adrenaline Plugin.
Go to effects and find the snowflakes plugin. Now with these settings:
1.) Amount=50, 2.)Size Range Begin=0, 3.) Size Range End=10, 4.)Hardness=5, 5.) Transparency=5, 6.) Snow Color=Basic Snow. 7.) Random Seed=10. Click ok. Now on the paper
Layer, repeat the VDL Adrenaline Snowflakes. Edit/Copy Merged and paste
Into AS as a new animation. Go back to psp and edit, undo the snowflakes effect on
Both the mask layer and the paper layer.
"Repeat" this same step only changing the random seed to 15, edit, copy merged
And paste into AS after the current frame. Go back to psp, edit, undo the snowflakes effect.
"Repeat" again only changing the random seed to 20. Click ok. Edit, copy
Merged and paste into AS after the current frame. Frame properties set at 10.
View Animation. If you are happy with the animation, save as a .Gif File.
This Tutorial is ©Donna's Designzs and is of my own creation.
Please Do Not Claim as your own work. My Tus are Copyright Protected.
I hope you all will enjoy this Tutorial.
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