This Tutorial was written by Me on Jan. 21st, 2010.
Any resemblance to any other Tutorial online is purely coincidence.
You will need a good knowledge of Psp and also working with masks to do this tut.
"Supplies Needed"
Any version of Paint Shop Pro. I used Psp x2 for this tut.
Any version of Paint Shop Pro. I used Psp x2 for this tut.
Scrap Kit I used is called "TD-FairyTale" by Natasha. You may find the kit Here.
Wsl_Mask61. Here.
Tube of choice, Font of choice.
I am using the Fantastic Artwork of Keith Garvey. You will need to purchase
A license to use his work. Here.
Please Do Not use the same tube without the proper license to do so.
"Ready, Let's Go"
1. Open a new blank 600x600 canvas and floodfill with white.
2. Open a paper of choice from the kit and copy and paste it onto your canvas.
3. Open your Wsl_Mask61. Apply mask, and merge group on the mask layer. Now
Duplicate this mask layer, on the original mask layer, go to adjust, blur, gaussian blur of
25%, click ok. Hide your white background and merge visible on the mask layers.
With your deform tool, pull the mask out to fit your canvas.
4. Repeat this same step for the mask with a different paper from the kit.
You do not need to pull the sides out to fit canvas on this mask layer.
Hide your white background and merge the two masks visible. Unhide white background.
5. Open one of the flowers from the kit. Copy and paste it under your merged mask layer.
Place it to the top left making sure it sticks out a little. Do Not resize. Add a drop shadow.
Open another flower from the kit and place it to the top left and slightly move it out.
Add a drop shadow.
6. Copy and paste the Flower Frame from the kit. Resize it to 110%.
Open the circle frame from the kit, resize so it fits nicely inside the flower frame.
Move this frame layer under the flower frame. Merge these two frames visible.
With your magic wand tool, click inside the frame, selections modify, expand by 10.
Click ok. Copy and paste a paper of choice, selections invert, hit delete, select none.
Move the paper below the frame layer. Add a drop shadow to the frame.
7. Highlight the flower frame layer, Magic wand, click inside the flower frame.
Selections modify, expand by 10, copy and paste a bow of choice from the kit.
Selections invert, hit delete, select none. Add a drop shadow to the bow.
8. Highlight the frame layer, Magic wand, selections modify, expand by 10.
Copy and paste your tube, position her inside the frame, selections invert, hit delete.
Selections none. Add a drop shadow to the tube.
9. Now open the triple frame from the kit. Resize to your liking.
With magic wand, add shift, click inside the 3 squares, selections modify, expand by 10.
Copy and paste a paper of choice, selections invert, hit delete, select none.
Move the paper below the frame layer. Add a drop shadow to the frame.
Highlight the triple frame, with magic wand, click inside the 3 squares, selections.
Modify, expand by 10. Copy and paste your tube and position her. Selections
Invert, hit delete, select none. Drop shadow the tube. Hide all layers except for.
The triple frame, paper and tube we just made and merge visible. With your mover tool.
Slightly angle it the way you want. Place this merged layer to the right side.
10. Copy and paste one of the bows from the kit, Resize. Position it on the bottom
Of the merged frame. Add a drop shadow. Move it below the triple frame image.
11. Copy and paste flowers of choice from the kit. Resize them.
Position the flowers to the bottom right side and move them below the triple image frame.
Duplicate the flowers and position them to the top left side.
See my tag as a reference on placement.
12. Copy and paste two buttons from the kit, Resize them small. Position them
On the bottom middle. Add drop shadows to the buttons.
13. Copy and paste your tube on top of all other layers. You may need to resize the tube.
Position the tube to the left side. Add a drop shadow to the tube.
14. Add your name in font of choice. Add your watermark.
Add all Artist copyright into to your tag. That's it.
I hope you all enjoy My Tutorial. I would love to see your results.
©Donna's Designzs.
This Tutorial is Copyright Protected.
Please Do Not Claim it as your own work.