This Tutorial was written by me on March 25th, 2011.
Any other tutorial online resembling this tut is purely coincidence.
"Supplies Needed"
Any version of Paint Shop Pro should work with this tut.
My Anytime Template02 Here
Artist tube of choice, Font of choice.
My PTU Scrap Kit "RedNGold".
I used the artwork of Keith Garvey. Here
Please Do Not use the same tube as me without the proper license.
"Ready? Let's Go"
1.)Open my Anytime02 template in Psp. Duplicate and close the original.
Delete my copyright info.
2.)Highlight the large black circle layer. Selections all, float, defloat.
Open paper06 in Psp. On your foreground in the layer pallette, Find the pattern.
Angle=0, Scale=40 and click ok. Highlight the large black circle layer, New raster layer
And floodfill with this layer with the pattern. Select none. Add a drop shadow.
Delete the large black circle layer.
3.) Highlight the large circle frame layer. Selections all, float, defloat.
Copy and paste paper16, Selections invert, hit delete, Select none.
Add a drop shadow and sharpen if needed. Delete the large circle frame.
4.) Highlight the large circle layer, Open your tube resizing 80%.
Image mirror the tube. On the circle layer, Selections all, float, defloat, Position the tube
Inside the circle, Selections invert, hit delete, select none.
Make sure your tube is on top of the paper layer. Add a drop shadow to the tube.
5.)Highlight the long rectangle layer. Selections all, float, defloat.
Copy and paste a paper of choice from the kit. Selections invert, hit delete. Select none.
Add a drop shadow of your choice. Sharpen paper if needed.
Delete the long rectangle template layer.
6.) Highlight the long rectangle layer, Selections all, float, defloat.
Copy and paste your tube, Selections invert, hit delete, select none.
Add a drop shadow to the tube. Now with your pick tool, Slightly angle the tube to the right
Making sure it fits nicely inside the rectangle. See my tag as a guide.
7.) Highlight the long rectangle frame layer. Selections all, float, defloat.
Copy and paste paper09, Selections invert, hit delete, select none.
Add a drop shadow then sharpen paper if needed.
Delete the template frame layer.
8.) Hide all other layers except the tube, paper, and frame on the long rectangle image we just made and merge these layers visible. Unhide all other layers.
9.) Open the gold and red flower bunch from the kit. Place it behind the large circle layer.
Position it to the top left side. Add a drop shadow then sharpen. Duplicate, image mirror.
Repeat this step until you have them all around slightly angling them as needed.
10.) Copy and paste a flower, Resize it to your liking and place it behind the long rectangle
Image slightly moving it out. See my tag as a guide. Add a drop shadow to the flower.
11.) Highlight the bottom rectangle layer. Selections all, float, defloat.
Copy and paste paper10, Selections invert, hit delete, select none. Drop shadow.
Delete the bottom rectangle template layer.
12.) I used a different bow on my tag. You may use any bow you want.
Position the bow on top of the bottom rectangle layer. Add a drop shadow.
13.) Now you may add any embellishments you want resizing them.
Add drop shadows to embellishments and sharpen them if needed.
See my tag as a guide to placements.
14.) Highlight one of the image layers. Selections all, float, defloat, Copy and paste paper of your choice. Selections invert, hit delete, select none. Highlighting this same layer.
Selections all, float, defloat, Resizing tube really small, Copy and paste and position tube inside.
Selections invert, hit delete, select none. Drop shadow the tube.
Delete the frame template layer.
15.) Highlight the image frame layer. Selections all, float, defloat, Copy and paste paper15.
Selections invert, hit delete, select none. Add noise, Random checked, Monochrome checked.
Add noise of 30%, click ok. Sharpen.
16.) Hide all layers except the image layer, tube layer and paper layer we just made
And merge these 3 layers visible. Unhide all other layers.
Repeat the same steps as above for the other image layer.
17. Add your name in pattern or colors of your choice to match your tag.
Add all artist copyright info and your watermark and tube license number.
18.) Save your tag as a .Png File.
I hope you all enjoyed trying my Tutorial out.
This Tutorial is ©Donnas Designzs.
And is protected by My Free Copyright.
Please Do Not claim it as your own work.